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When life Becomes Art!


Salim Fields, Contemporary Abstract Painter and Photographer. New York, named our July 2020 Profile of Men who continue to persevere!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 by Nicole S. Norton-Evans

Sunday July 12, 2020

Meet Salim Fields 💯💯💯💯

A Contemporary Abstract Painter and Photographer. "During my senior year as a student at Pratt Institute I studied Film & Video, fell in love with abstract art and never turned back." Most would say that this is a story that resonates when they finally see why an artists' work is so profound to so many people. But what they don't see is the reason why an artists' work became so adored and respected all over the world. I asked Salim what made him fall in love with his love of art after he graduated? He simply says...

"Years later I realized that I found peace in the process of painting. My work can be a valuable healing tool, both calming and inspiring. It sparks creativity, helping the observer explore another side of life through vibrant earth tones and organic movement….

...With a strong presence from my Lord and Savior." 💯💯💯 💯 When you dig deep into ones soul you can remove just about any unwanted energy and replace it with pure love. You can fill it up with a recipe that not only will make you happy. It will in turn create an atmosphere that others will find solitude in as well. Living in the mind of an artist isn’t just about creating with a brush to canvas.The love of Art can mirror a person's life that they capture with ingredients that came about in pieces that they've gathered along the way. Pieces that often depict who they are as a person. Experiences and images that they are now sharing with us via art.

"To be better each day, better today than yesterday and even better tomorrow." Salim

What imitates life can heal and reintroduce a profound color or style that transforms the way we view our very own lives. It is safe to say... good food, good music and beautiful artwork in our homes continue to offer us good vibrations. Subconsciously we never look in our backyards, we look for those things in other places, other countries and sometimes in other people. 💯 Then in walks Salim Fields. Nothing prepares us for this extraordinary talent. With a one way ticket we may not want to go back after we get a glimpse of his interpretation of life. Mr. Fields loans us an explore button and an invitation to imagine. It's the real world vs. your imagination in his world. Salim Fields, who not only provides a front seat but a VIP ticket to drown out the world within the perimeters of four corners on a blank canvas. 💯 What defines life may not always be in the picture itself but in the eyes of the subject. And he captures just that. It's a way of seeing the world, a way of expression, oftentimes a compulsion: Mr. Fields simplifies reality even when it's stubborn and lacks empathy.

July 12, 2020 Brooklyn Biz Feature 🔥🔥🔥 Our July 2020 Profile of Men who continue to persevere Salim Fields IG: Website:

He says, "Since the COVID-19 lockdown, I have been working on a series of paintings focusing on HOPE, JOY & TOGETHERNESS." 💯 Follow him to be one of the first to view his work weekly. He will be showing some of his new pieces to thousands of others that have been supporting him since the beginning 💯💯💯

"As a child of God, my hope is to spread the Word through my art. Which is why I don’t paint negative or dark images. I hope to be back in some galleries once the world opens up. As well as brighten up rooms/homes with my artwork."

We can all agree that art does inspire but not everyone will take all of the steps into learning a DOPE medium. Only an accomplished artist will experiment with a new technique. I am blown away by Salims' definition, empowering, and expression of love. His work not only changes a room's temperature. By simply hanging his work in your home will not only be an original and one of a kind it will change your mind about the essence of what good energy can do for your life.


"You can purchase an original piece of artwork or commission me to create a piece especially fitted for your home. You know what you love when you see it but have been searching and cannot find something that works perfectly for you." Salim

'He will simply create something special with the buyer and make your room come alive.'

And that is amazing! 💯💯💯💯

"If You want to work with an artist who can understand and elevate your unique style. Let's work together to make your room come alive." He says


Unfortunately, too many artists don't get the support that they deserve. Art can be a rollercoaster: sometimes you're up and sometimes you're down. It can also be rewarding at the same time, leading to a sense of accomplishment, or a push to do more. There are hidden messages of politics, of peace, of brutality or beauty in art. So we can escape and just let it be! But if there is no support for artists like Salim Fields how would you experience it, how will we know what it feels like? 💯 Salim says, "I get the most support from friends and friends of friends. More in person than online unfortunately." 💯 He goes on to saying, "The power within the black dollar can be incredible. But we need to support each other more...and not look for discounts when it comes to dealing with each other. We don’t go to white establishments and ask for a hook up. Sadly, I had someone say to me that my price point is too high! Meanwhile, this sister was draped in a Louis Vuitton bag, belt, wallet and shoes. But my artwork was too expensive? Or the thought of going to Target or Home Goods to purchase a picture to put up in their home….community support is very important. We need to support each other wholeheartedly and not just during a movement, or because we are mad at white America."


Salim says he gives God thanks daily for blessing him with the ability to share his vision and love with others through his artwork. What a blessing it is to pick up a paintbrush and allow art to take you where it will. When a talent enables you to Explore and experiment you are always in a position to do something different: paint a picture rightside-up, try a new style you thought you disliked, push through your boundaries! After interviewing Salim I myself realized that the power of Art is an AMAZING way to grow as a person, so I am looking forward to taking advantage! 💯 Currently Salim is blessed to still be working during the pandemic but notices that his 9-5 is really a side hustle. He says, "As I am an artist to the core. And they provide a steady stream of income and health insurance. My goal is to have my own Art gallery one day. Where I can show my work as well as help others in the art community."


"Facebook and Instagram have been a good tool in getting my art seen outside of the new York area...building awareness of my work to galleries and art lovers around the world."

Blessings 💯💯💯💯💯

"Word of mouth has helped a great deal in getting some art sold and being invited to showcase my art in exhibitions." Salim says it helps as well. 💯 This is not a hobby, this is his LIFE! Unfortunately Salim says he has mixed feelings when it comes to his community's support. He finds that because he does not paint images of “our struggle” his work is not as appreciated as an artists' painting of a Black man with a foot on his neck. Salim points out that he refuses to give breath to hateful images of himself. He would rather paint something that represents the Word of God to uplift and bless people.


"... some don’t see it that way, to each his own. But I will not compromise my views."

Dope + Passion + Art 💯💯💯💯

His artwork are found on Instagram @Salimfields_art and on his website


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